Broken Link Checker - Find and Fix Dead Links

Search Engine Optimization

Broken Link Checker Tool

Enter a URL

About Broken Link Checker Tool


As an expert SEO and high-end copywriter, we understand the importance of conducting a thorough broken link check for your website. Broken links not only frustrate visitors, but they can also negatively impact your search engine rankings. In this guide, we will provide you with a step-by-step process to perform a comprehensive broken link check and help you outrank other websites. Let's dive in!


Performing regular broken link checks is crucial to maintaining a healthy and user-friendly website. Broken links occur when a hyperlink on your website leads to a page that no longer exists or returns an error. These links can result from outdated content, website migrations, or external websites changing their URLs. By identifying and fixing broken links, you enhance the user experience and demonstrate to search engines that your website is well-maintained and reliable.

Step 1: Selecting a Reliable Broken Link Checker Tool

To begin our comprehensive broken link check, we recommend using a reliable and efficient tool like This web-based tool offers a user-friendly interface and powerful scanning capabilities, making it an ideal choice for identifying broken links on your website.

Step 2: Entering Your Website URL

Once you've accessed the website, enter the URL of your website in the provided field. This step ensures that the tool scans your entire website for broken links, including internal and external links.

Step 3: Configuring the Scan Options

After entering your website URL, you'll have the option to configure various scan options based on your specific needs. These options include the depth of the scan, the number of simultaneous connections, and the ability to ignore certain URL patterns or file extensions.

Step 4: Initiating the Scan

With the scan options set, initiate the scan by clicking on the "Find Broken Links" or similar button. The tool will then begin crawling your website and checking each link for validity.

Step 5: Analysing the Results

Once the scan is complete, the tool will generate a comprehensive report highlighting all the broken links found on your website. Take your time to review this report carefully, as it will serve as a roadmap for fixing the broken links and improving your website's overall performance.

Step 6: Fixing Broken Links

Now that you have a list of broken links, it's time to take action. Start by prioritising the broken links based on their impact and relevance. You can categorise them into internal and external links for easier management. Let's explore some effective strategies for fixing these broken links:

Updating Internal Links

For broken internal links, locate the pages containing the broken links and edit the hyperlinks to point to the correct URLs. Ensure that the updated links lead to existing and relevant pages on your website.

Redirecting Broken URLs

If you have changed the URL structure of your website or permanently removed a page, consider implementing 301 redirects. This technique allows you to redirect visitors from the outdated URL to a new, relevant page on your website, preserving link juice and improving user experience.

Contacting External Websites

When encountering broken links leading to external websites, reach out to the respective website owners or administrators. Politely notify them of the broken links and suggest alternative URLs if available. Establishing positive relationships with other website owners can lead to reciprocal link opportunities in the future.


Performing a comprehensive broken link check is a fundamental aspect of maintaining a well-optimised website. By using tools like and following the steps outlined in this guide, you can effectively identify and fix broken links, enhancing your website's user experience and search engine rankings.

Remember, continuous monitoring and periodic checks are crucial for ensuring your website remains free of broken links. Regularly updating your content and implementing best practices for link management will not only help you outrank other websites but also establish your website as a reliable and trusted source of information.

Remember, our aim is to provide you with the best possible content to help you outrank other websites. Implementing the steps outlined above will ensure that your website is optimised and user-friendly, setting you on the path to SEO success.